
Unable to Delete Front door in Azure showing error :Cannot delete frontend endpoint Please remove the DNS CNAME records and try again"

Error :

Cannot delete frontend endpoint "" because it is still directly or indirectly (using "afdverify" prefix) CNAMEd to front door "". Please remove the DNS CNAME records and try again.


Let's disable the CNAME check temporarily for a subscription via Azure CLI

Open Command Prompt:
  • az  login
  • az account show
  • az feature list -o table --query "[?contains(name, 'Microsoft.Network/BypassCnameCheckForCustomDomainDeletion')].{Name:name,State:properties.state}"
  • az feature register --namespace Microsoft.Network --name BypassCnameCheckForCustomDomainDeletion
  • az feature unregister --namespace Microsoft.Network --name BypassCnameCheckForCustomDomainDeletion

After executing these commands, Delete the front door and it works

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