
How to test the performance for the code in C# ?

In this blog, we will learn how to test the performance of the C# code. For the performance, we will use benchmarking.


Benchmarking measures how well a piece of code performs; it evaluates the code and aids in performance improvement. We utilized the Benchmarkdotnet package to carry out the benchmarking in C#.



BenchmarkDotNet is a nice tool that provides a simple way to make an informed decision about the performance metrics of your application. In BenchmarkDotNet, the invocation of a method that has the Benchmark attribute set is known as an operation. An iteration is the name given to a collection of several operations.

A small, effective, open-source.NET framework called BenchmarkDotNet may turn your processes into benchmarks, monitor their effectiveness, and share reproducible measurement tests. It isn't more difficult than writing unit tests.
In this project, there are two methods we must use to call an API: one is Httpwebrequest and the other is Rest Sharp.
We have therefore contrasted these's performances using the benchmark.

To begin, 
we build an Core MVC project. Next, we visit the Package Manager Console.


add the benchmark NuGet package


Steps for benchmarking code using BenchmarkDotNet

To run BenchmarkDotNet in your .NET Framework or .NET Core application you must follow these steps:

1.      Add the necessary NuGet package

2.      Add Benchmark attributes to your methods

3.      Create a BenchmarkRunner instance

4.      Run the application in Release mode


Create a benchmarking class in .NET Core

Open the Program.cs file and write the following code in there.


   public class MemoryBenchmarkerDemo
        int NumberOfItems = 100000;
        public string ConcatStringsUsingStringBuilder()
            var sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfItems; i++)
                sb.Append("Hello World!" + i);
            return sb.ToString();
        public string ConcatStringsUsingGenericList()
            var list = new List<string>(NumberOfItems);
            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfItems; i++)
                list.Add("Hello World!" + i);
            return list.ToString();

In the Main method of the Program.cs file you must specify the initial starting point — the BenchmarkRunner class. 


Run the benchmark in your .NET Core application

Running benchmark code in debug mode will result in an error. 


Hence you should run your project in the release mode only. To run benchmarking, specify the following command at the Visual Studio command prompt.


dotnet run -p BenchmarkDotNetDemo.csproj -c Release

When you run this command, the benchmarking process kicks off and displays the output after the benchmarking process has been executed successfully




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